Herberger, T. A., Oehler, A., 2020, Unternehmenseigene Social-Media-Kanäle zur Kommunikation kapitalmarktrelevanter Unternehmensinformationen? Ein Blick in börsennotierte deutsche Unternehmen, in: Herberger, T. (Hrsg.), Die Digitalisierung und die Digitale Transformation der Finanzwirtschaft, Tectum/Nomos, Baden-Baden, 145-170.

Social media channels are extremely relvant for communication in society and business community. However, are these channels also relevant in communicating corporate information which are relevant for the capital market. Our analysis show how stock listed companies in Germany used their official social media channels to communicate corporate information in the financial years 2014 to 2016. This made an initial assessment possible as to whether there are concrete communication strategies on the part of the companies in connection with their distribution of capital market-relevant corporate information via social media. Our results indicate that, depending on the type and intensity of use of the social media channels for communicating corporate information, these channels or platforms could basically works as financial intermediaries, but that this has so far been ruled out due to current usage patterns of the companies in Germany.


Social Media, Corporate Communications, Capital Market-relevant Corporate Information, Financial Intermediary

JEL Classifications

G14, G20, G29


Herberger, T. A., Oehler, A., 2020, Are Company-owned Social Media Channels Financial Intermediaries? Results from the German Stock Market; 28th Global Conference on Business and Finance, January 6-8.

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