Oehler, A., Wedlich, F., 2018, The Relationship of Extraversion and Neuroticism with Risk Attitude, Risk Perception and Return Expectations, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 11(2), 63-92.

Stock market investments are in the spotlight of the household finance literature, although real-world households make other financial decisions of higher relevance. We widen the scope and include decisions related to voluntary pension plans, whole life insurance contracts, housing, and investments in risky assets other than stocks (e.g., bonds or mutual funds). Further, we provide a methodology that goes beyond regression analysis by employing a structural equation analysis (SEA) and apply it on data from a broad and representative survey of the German Central Bank. Our SEA allows us to investigate and quantitatively estimate complex relationships and to test several hypotheses simultaneously. Our structural equation model captures about 60% of the variation in the capital market participation decision. The results show that although households' financial literacy and risk aversion are most strongly related to investments in risky assets, further factors such as wealth, voluntary pension plans and whole life insurance contracts, financial advice, and investment experience should also be considered. Financial literacy is negatively related to risk aversion (i.e., the higher the financial literacy, the lower is the risk aversion). Age and gender are directly related to capital market participation and indirectly via financial literacy and risk attitude.


Investor Personality, Risk Attitude, Risk Perception, Return Expectations, Investment Decisions

JEL Classifications

D81, D84, G02, G11


Oehler, A., Wedlich, F., 2017, Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Risk Attitude, Risk Perception and Return Expectations; 2017 Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, June 12-13, 2017; 53rd Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association (EFA), April 5-8, 2017.


Oehler, A., Horn, M., Wendt, S., 2021, Information Illusion? Placebic Information and Stock Price Forecasts; AEA American Economic Association Annual Meeting 2021, January 3-5.
Oehler, A., Horn, M., Wendt, S., 2020, Information Illusion: Placebic Information and Stock Price Estimates; Jahrestagung 2020 Verein für Socialpolitik, September 27-30; 28th Global Conference on Business and Finance, January 6-8.
Oehler, A., Horn, M., Wendt, S., 2019, Information Illusion: Placebic Information and Stock Price Estimates; 2019 Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, November 15-18; Psychonomic Society 2019 Annual Meeting, November 14-17; 88th International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 17-20; 2019 Annual Meeting Academy of Financial Services, October 15-16; IAREP/SABE Conference, September 1-4; Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, June 6-7.

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