Oehler, A., Neuss, C., 2024, ESG Disclosure vs. ESG Ratings: Consistent Information Value?; Behavioural Finance Working Group 17th Annual Conference, 6-7 June, London; 3nd Conference on INternational Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth, ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, Reading, June 9-11; European Financial Management Association 2024 Annual Meeting, June 26-29, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon; 27th Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference, July 4-5, University of Bristol and the Financial Accounting and Reporting Special Interest Group of the British Accounting and Finance Association, Bristol; 1st European Sustainability Accounting & Reporting Conference, September 5-6, Aalborg University Business School, Aalborg.

We perform textual analysis of annual reports and examine the consistency between firms’ ESG rating and firms’ ESG disclosure. The paper contributes to the ESG literature by combining two mostly separately investigated research topics: the ESG ratings and the ESG disclosure. This is important as market participants use both sources for decision-making (e.g., Hartzmark & Sussman, 2019; Verbeeten et al., 2016). We develop two different word lists to analyze the ESG information value from a rating agency-perspective and from the academic literature perspective. Our results show that using a comprehensive ESG-related word list from academic studies can explain a high proportion of several ESG ratings, indicating that market participants can use firm disclosure as an approximation for several ESG ratings. Given that ESG rating agencies use public information, our study sheds a light on the information value from different information channels which is important for market participants. Moreover, the differences in the information value reveal the difficulties in using ESG ratings and the issue of rating dispersions..


ESG Rating, Sustainability Disclosure, ESG Reporting, Information Value, Corporate Governance, CSR Reporting

JEL Classifications

G10, G11, G12, G24, D83

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