Oehler, A., Herberger, T., Horn, M., 2018, Initial Public Offerings in Germany between 1997 and 2015; in: Cumming, D. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of IPOs, Oxford University Press, New York, 559-572.

This chapter focuses on the German IPO market from 1997 to 2015. More specifically, it provides a descriptive overview of the IPO activities in Germany in the last two decades, and analyzes the IPO market’s dependence on the yearly return and turnover of the German stock market. It shows that most IPOs and highest volumes were observed during the dot-com bubble phase (1997–2000) and
that the German IPO market’s liquidity shows a stable development in the last years after the subprime crisis. The results of the regression analyses show that the IPO market activity strongly depends on the overall stock market turnover. But the stock market returns play a subordinated role for the IPO market liquidity in Germany.


IPO, volume, dot-com, bubble, liquidity, turnover, Germany


Oehler, A., Herberger, T., Horn, M., Schalkowski, H., 2017, IPOs, the Level of Private Equity Engagement and Stock Performance Matters: Empirical Evidence from Germany; 53rd Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association (EFA), April 5-8, 2017; Corporate Ownership & Control 15, 72-82.

Oehler, A., Herberger, T., Horn, M., Schalkowski, H., 2016, IPOs, the Level of Private Equity Engagement and Stock Performance Matters: Empirical Evidence from Germany; XVII. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (GEABA), September 14-16, 2016; International Conference on Operations Research, August 30 - September 2, 2016.

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